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AC-2 Bison

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP24021

Product Line: Warmachine Mk IV - Khador (28mm)

Admiral Boomhowler

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP28003

Product Line: Warmachine Mk IV - Southern Kriels (28mm)

MSRP $15.99

Brineblood Marauders Army Expansion

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP28002

Product Line: Warmachine Mk IV - Southern Kriels (28mm)

Bunker (Double)

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP21171-2

Product Line: Warmachine Mk IV - Core & Assorted

Bunker (Single)

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP21171

Product Line: Warmachine Mk IV - Core & Assorted

MSRP $39.99

Character Warrior Pack - Israfyl

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP27022

Product Line: Warmachine Mk IV - Dusk House (28mm)

Character Warrior Pack - Molok

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP22022

Product Line: Warmachine Mk IV - Orgoth (28mm)

MSRP $12.99

Courser Light Warjack

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP21005

Product Line: Warmachine Mk IV - Cygnar (28mm)

Cygnar Storm Forge Cadre

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP21040

Product Line: Warmachine Mk IV - Cygnar (28mm)

9 figures

MSRP $84.99

Cygnar Storm Legion Core Army Starter

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP21000

Product Line: Warmachine Mk IV - Cygnar (28mm)

22 figures

MSRP $199.99

Cygnar Zephyr

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP21021

Product Line: Warmachine Mk IV - Cygnar (28mm)

MSRP $64.99

Dire Wolf Light Warjack

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP24005

Product Line: Warmachine Mk IV - Khador (28mm)

MSRP $44.99

Eilish Garrity, The Dark Traitor

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP26003

Product Line: Warmachine Mk IV - Mercenaries (28mm)

MSRP $12.99

Great Bear Heavy Warjack

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP24004

Product Line: Warmachine Mk IV - Khador (28mm)

Great Old One Character Warbeast Pack

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP28022

Product Line: Warmachine Mk IV - Southern Kriels (28mm)

Greygore Boomhowler

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP26012

Product Line: Warmachine Mk IV - Mercenaries (28mm)

MSRP $14.99

Heavy Warjack - Eidolon

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP27004

Product Line: Warmachine Mk IV - Dusk House (28mm)


By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP29004

Product Line: Warmachine MK IV - Khymaera (28mm)

Jackal Light Warjack

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP22005

Product Line: Warmachine Mk IV - Orgoth (28mm)

MSRP $34.95

Kapitan Ekaterina Baranova

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP24003

Product Line: Warmachine Mk IV - Khador (28mm)